Pirates of the Mediterranean sea.

Greenpeace is running a new campaign in the current issue of The Economist and last week’s European Voice, in an effort to name and shame three Fisheries Ministers for their failure to protect the Mediterranen bluefin tuna industry.
From left to right the Pirates of the Mediterranean, the curse of the bluefin tuna industry: Mr. Luca Zaia (Fisheries Minister, Italy), Mr. Michel Barnier (Fisheries Minister, France) and Mrs. Elena Espinosa (Fisheries Minister, Spain).
Greenpeace encourage you to write to the Fisheries Ministers for France, Spain and Italy.
“The bluefin tuna fishery in the Mediterranean is on the verge of collapse. These three ministers were supposed to safeguard its future. Instead, they’ve let the fishing industry plunder an irreplaceable treasure. If they don’t close the fishery immediately, someone ought to make them walk the plank.”
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