Sunday, May 13, 2007

One thousand roads towards friendship.

One of the books i'm reading deals with friendship. The title is "One thousand roads towards friendship".
This book is a compilation of quotations. Some are obvious, some are important, some are useless.
I haven't finished it yet: a few pages remain.
Among all those quotations, one caught my eye today. I think it's interesting and true.

"Are you single? Not completely, since you have a friend. Friendship is the marriage between two spirits, two hearts and two souls."

Sometimes it's not obvious, but some situations may help to reveal this side of a friendship.
The day you realize this, you get a great satisfaction and make this friendship grow up to a higher level.
There are thousands roads towards friendship: to each his own; we're all different.

P.S (may, the 14th): i've been told today that i theorize and intellectualize too much. i'd better let it go.
Maybe they're right. Maybe i should take it easy. However, i really don't feel like i intellectualize.



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