Writers are of any age: some are in their 20's, some are parents with kids, less are above 70 yo. They all have one thing in common: when they talk about love, they mostly sound depressed or desperate.
That sounds strange to me. What's the point?
I know how hard it is when something goes wrong, or when you wonder about your relationship.
I know that some situations raise a lot of questions. I lived some of those situations. I ask myself a lot of questions that make me feel very insecure.
The point is that i don't understand why you people, whose blogs i read, are so definitive about your experience, about your own story and future.
Most of you say, when your relationship is in balance, that you will stop believing in love if your story comes to an end. You will stop looking for the one.
I guess the oldest think they're too old to meet anyone new who would suit them well. I guess the youngest are too young to realize that they still have their whole life to meet someone to stay with forever.
Please do change your mind.
"The time for love is anytime". To each his own recipe for love.
I know how hurtful it is to end this. However, it never means that love is dead for you. You cannot say or think that the person you are with is the one. You never know. You cannot say or think that the one you are with might not be the one. You never know. You cannot say or think you will never have a second or third or fourth chance. You never know.
Love's so complicated and mysterious that i gave up trying to control or even understand how it works.
Nevertheless, i believe in love i lived with those persons i loved. When it came to an end, after a sad period, i tried to be more positive and think about what's next for me. I think we can have a single or several true love stories. We're all different.
I don't consider an end as The end. I can't accept people say they would give up if they loose their cherished one.
You never know what will happen to you.
You never know who's the one, your one. You'll get the answer the day you die. This day you'll think back about it and you will be able to say who was the one.
It might be the one you spent your entire life with.
It might be no one.
It might be the last person you were in love with.
It might be one special person among those you really loved during your life.
Don't be so definitive about love. You never know.