Saturday, September 29, 2007

Cours d'économie.

© Delize


Friday, September 28, 2007

Beijing: Olympic games 2008

"In the name of ensuring stability and harmony in the country during the 2008 Olympic Games, the Chinese Government continues to detain and harass political activists, journalists, lawyers and human rights workers."

Reporters Sans Frontières / Reporters Without Borders

Labels: ,

Current CD: Isaac Hayes "HOT BUTTERED SOUL" & "SHAFT"



© Chappatte


Sunday, September 23, 2007

Liquid song: Madonna "Liquid love".


Friday, September 21, 2007

Triste mais heureux.

"J’aime la tristesse. Je ne suis pas une personne triste, bien au contraire, mais j’aime redécouvrir la tristesse à travers la musique d’un Schumann ou d’un Malher.
Je me sens tout à fait heureux lorsque j’écoute Malher, oui tellement heureux. La musique est quelque chose de triste, mais je suis heureux en compagnie de la tristesse.”

"Oblivion" by Julia Migenes


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Jusqu'où ira-t-on?

© Delize



© Delize


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Foreign Office / A story of words

July the 24th:
Gage: "...French are arrogant...but you're not."
Julien: "We're not arrogant. We know better." (joke)

August the 27th, speech to the ambassadors:
President N. Sarkozy: "...a catastrophic alternative: the iranian [nuclear] bomb or the bombardment of Iran."

September the 16th, radio interview:
Foreign minister B. Kouchner: "It is necessary to get ready for the is war."

I don't know wether or not we're arrogant. For sure, we're getting stupid.

Iran, Kouchner: "Se préparer au pire".

© Delize

Au moins est-il en adéquation avec son employeur, monsieur Nicolas, qui rappelait récemment: " bombe nucléaire iranienne ou le bombardement de l'Iran..."


Monday, September 17, 2007

Current CD: Erykah Badu "BADUIZM"


Friday, September 14, 2007


HERE's a blog i recently opened. It's dedicated to pictures i take. A kind of photo album.
Feel free to have a look.
It's HERE or in the column on the right side.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

French dish.

Many of you, my non-french friends, asked me what kind of dishes french people eat.
Here's one i ate last weekend.
Next time you come i'll cook this for you. You won't be disappointed.
This is a calf's head with vegetables :)
Yum yum.

Sweat Kalle! Sweat!!

Do you feel like being a master?
Click HERE and give orders to Kalle.
Make him sweat. Get the highest score you can!

This is a funny interactive ad for Ford.
Give it a try.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Another piece has been taken from me. It last 32 min. I got two stitches now; which means another scar. Grr.
The mole has been sent for analysis. I'll get the results on the 24th.



© Delize


Friday, September 07, 2007

Rugby world cup.

France's organizing the world cup. It starts tonight.
Go France! Go New Zealand!
Take a look at the Haka.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Current CD: James Brown "JAZZ"


Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Check up.

Today, i went for my annual check up. Once in a year, i go to the dermatologist for her to examine my moles. I have plenty.
She asked me to come back next week to remove one. I wanted to wait for october. She said no.
Cancerous? Not cancerous?
She already removed a mole a few years ago.



In a way I withdrew myself from the real world, especially during the second part of my trip. No internet, no radio, no TV...only a phone to sms when i needed to...and a lot of books.
I needed to think, to take a look back at my life.
I also needed to talk to some people.
Some things changed. In a way, i think i changed...for some parts...
I'm in a very biting mood.
I'm back!


I want to grow old with you.

Recently, a friend of mine told me he wanted to grow old with me.
I felt very touched.
But the most important is that he made me realize that it's exactly what i want to tell you, my friends.
It's exactly the way i imagine friendship. Feelings i have for a friend are that strong.
A friend is someone unique, someone i can trust and rely on.
Thank you Pascal for finding this piece of my puzzle.
Marie, Stéphanie, Anne, Davy, David, Clay, Yih Shyang, Gage, Régine, Shuan-Tyng, Wat, Pascal, Joshua, RJ: i know that life might make things different. I know some event might tear us apart, but i want to tell you that i want to grow old with you.
