Wednesday, February 28, 2007

And the Oscar goes to...

...The Departed.
...How strange!!

In my opinion, they gave the award to the worst movie among the nominees. The others were: Letters from Iwo Jima, Little miss sunshine and The Queen.
However, this doesn't matter. It's only my opinion.

I already knew Hollywwod was less and less creative; making money is more important for this industry.
Creation and money aren't that incompatible, though.
Nevertheless, what shocks me the most is that they gave an award, the most important one, to a remake.
The Departed is a remake of the movie from Hong Kong: Infernal Affairs by Wai Keung (Andrew) LAU & Siu Fai (Alan) MAK
It's a brilliant cop movie, with a sublime plot and great acting by the two leads Andy Lau and Tony Leung.

Giving this award to a remake is highly symbolic. It's supposed to reward a creation; it crowns a re-creation, instead.
There's a kind of ethical problem here.
I have nothing against Martin Scorcese: i was a big fan...until "Cape fear".
Casino wasn't bad, but i can't be fair: i'm in love with Sharon Stone.
They gave him the award for "best director", as well: i just hope it rewards his entire career, not only his work on this movie.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Pascal va mourir.

Demain mercredi 28 février 2007, le billet de 500 francs ne sera plus échangeable auprès de la banque de France.
J'en ai eu quelques uns en ma possession et c'est toujours avec beaucoup d'émotion que je m'en séparais :p
C'était un beau gros billet! Hahaha!
Les euros me font moins d'effet...

Thursday, February 22, 2007


Former NBA player Tim Hardaway said he's homophobic.
Here's the funny and smart answer from George Takei (Mr. Sulu in the television and film series Star Trek).

"Le libéralisme est une perversion de la pensée humaine!"

Citation de Jacques CHIRAC extraite du numéro 512 de Marianne.

"Je suis convaincu que le libéralisme est voué au même échec que le communisme, et qu'il conduira aux mêmes excès. L'un comme l'autre sont des perversions de la pensée humaine.
Avec la mondialisation, les contraintes européennes et nationales, les marges de manœuvre sont bien faibles. Mais on ne pourra maintenir longtemps un système qui consiste, en réalité, à laisser les gens faire pratiquement tout ce qu'ils veulent.
Je ne crois pas au libéralisme qui est, à mon avis, une forme de déviance. Même si je caricature à dessein quand je dis que c'est la même chose que le communisme. Un bon équilibre, inspiré par la sagesse, se situera à mi-chemin des deux systèmes."

Je ne rajouterai rien à cette citation que je partage pleinement.
Le libéralisme s'effondrera lui aussi un jour, d'autant plus qu'on l'érige en système.


Monday, February 19, 2007

Rencontre du troisième type.

L'institut de sondage IFOP a publié aujourd'hui une enquête (pour le compte de Fiducial et LCI) montrant que s'il était présent au second tour de l'élection présidentielle, François BAYROU l'emporterait quel que soit son adversaire. Ainsi, il obtiendrait 52% des voix face à Nicolas Sarkozy et 54% face à Ségolène Royal.

Pour ceux qui, comme moi, considèrent que voter Bayrou au 1er tour reviendrait à gâcher son vote, ce sondage ouvre une perspective nouvelle.
Jusqu'à aujourd'hui il ne me paraissait même pas vraisemblable qu'il puisse accéder au second tour.
Comment pourrait-on voter pour lui tout en sachant qu'il n'a aucune chance d'accéder au deuxième tour, et encore moins d'emporter l'élection.
L'enquête de l'IFOP apporte un sérieux démenti au sceptique que je suis.
A moins de deux mois du premier tour, rien n'est joué et tout peut arriver. Aucun vote n'est inutile.

L'intérêt de ce sondage réside dans le fait qu'il brise la litanie du "Ségo-Sarko" soi-disant inévitable au soir du 22 avril 2007.
Pour une fois, il semblerait qu'il existe un "troisième homme" qui ait réellement une chance. Il est évidemment prématuré de dire que Bayrou sera élu, mais au moins la porte est-elle entrouverte sur la possibilité qu'il puisse exister aux côtés des deux dits principaux candidats.
Cette enquête confirme sa crédibilité grandissante.
N'en déplaise à Nicolas Sarkozy, "l'homme de janvier" est encore là en février et même en meilleure position.

Sondage IFOP


Kissing a smoker?

I often say that kissing a smoker is like kissing an ashtray. Apparently, the French National Committee Against Tobacco went a bit further :)
Don't remind me i'm a cigar-smoker; i know i am. But i do brush my teeth!!!


Sunday, February 18, 2007

"Little Miss Sunshine"

"...a loser is the one who never tries, who's so scared of failing that he never tries anything..."

Good to be back home.

Finally i'm back home.

Recovering is a good thing. This allows you to take a lot of free time for yourself.
I didn't spend much time here: i went to see friends, i had parties with them; i went to Paris, as well, to see my brother and have fun with him.
We got the chance to find a board game we've been looking for 13 years: the "Tiersmondopoly".
It's a swiss game: you're a peasant in Peru and you try to survive.
Rules are almost the same that for the real Monopoly.
I also took some time to go to museums, movies, to take photos...
I like this excitement that the travel, by itself, gives to you. Being excited makes me feel relaxed.

However, i hate those fucking people who take the same train and keep complaining about anything, or keep calling anyone over the phone in order to say nothing important.
I hate those parents who let their "definitely not well educated children" do whatever they want in the train, despite they're surrounded by other persons.
I hate this unknown person who sat next to me and asked if i could stand up so she could go peeing. She did it five times within a two hours long trip.
I hate you all!! Next time i'll buy two first class tickets just for me.

I guess it's part of the deal, anyway: have fun, do enjoy yourself, but do endure the others, as well.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

"From the hospital with love!"

I had nice and funny moments at the hospital. Some painful, as well.

Among all what happened to me there, i will remember one person in particular: a nurse.

I entered the hospital on monday late afternoon.
As i was sat, chatting with two doctors, she came out of a shadow.
The minute i saw her body heading to me, she was already taking my left arm and removing my sleeve.
Then, i saw her face: she was terrible. I thought i was facing a smiling dribbling witch.
Nevertheless, something was disturbing me: she looked like someone i know.

She kindly asked me to clench my fist while she was tiing my arm up: the vampire wanted to take blood from me!!
She was delighted when she saw my "beautiful veins", she said.
She did her job and left me alone..."who does she remind me?"

I only saw her again on thursday morning: the day i left the hospital.
As kind as before, she changed my bandages and told me i could take a shower in a few days.
I hadn't seen the worst yet! She had to remove the long pipe that was inside of my body, on my right side, draining the blood out of me.
I remembered a friend of mine; she told me it was a very painful experience. I was lucky, i guess. It wasn't painful.
The nurse ordered me to breathe loudly. I was lying on my bed, looking at the wall in front of me.
She pulled out a bit of the pipe to unjam it.
Suddenly, from the corner of my eye, i saw her face closing, threatening, her eyes getting dark. In a violent move of her arm she completely pulled the tube out.
From this moment i knew who she did remind me: Rosa Klebb in James Bond "From Russia with love".

Trust me on this, she DOES look like Rosa Klebb. I cannot post any picture of her, for you to compare (i'm not allowed to), but i promise you they look like they're twins.


Personnality test

My Personality
Openness To Experience
You are neither a subdued loner nor a jovial chatterbox. You enjoy time with others but also time alone. You can be very easily upset, even by what most people consider the normal demands of living. People consider you to be extremely sensitive and emotional. Novelty, variety, and change spice up your life and make you a curious, imaginative, and creative person. People see you as tough, critical, and uncompromising and you have less concern with others' needs than with your own. You are reasonably reliable, organized, and self-controlled.

Test Yourself Compare Yourself View Full Report

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Wash your hands!!!

How many times did you "forget" to wash your hands?
92% of guys say they washed. 34% were lying.
You can check the six videos at
I'm sure it'll remind you something.


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Notre ami Nicolas!



No wonder why George W Bush is President of the USA!

We've got the politicians we deserve!!
