Thursday, February 28, 2008

Last movie watched: "Brave story"


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Mister Unknown...(2)

Hi mister U.

You see. I don't understand how people think you are caring or thoughtful.
Oh! Actually, you are...once in a while.
You show interest, you show you care. However, i had so many disapointments with you that i can't help but thinking you're not so caring you seem to be.
Some may think you're awkward, or shy. Maybe you are. But i can't believe you could be it that much.
Maybe it's just because of me. I may be the blind one.
With you, it's always a matter of balance between good and bad.
I must say you're not even 50% bad. Else, i would be told to stop whining and go away.
On the contrary. When you show your interest you're 100% "lovable", one of my favorite friend.
But when you don't, you seem like you despise people so much.
I ask you to make a change, to give me explanations (at least).

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Improve your flexibility.

Just a daring ad.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


You can call me moody,'re right.
I'm sorry for all i hurt today but i really needed to be left alone.
Some say i'm victim of a moody man syndrome...i guess they're right :-)
Please forgive me for i sounded or looked upset (i was) today.
Too much was too much. Really.

Last movie watched: "The bucket list"


Monday, February 25, 2008

Casse toi alors, pauv' con! (2)

© Delize

Casse toi alors, pauv' con!

"El Païs" vient de descendre en flèche le président Nicolas Sarkozy.

Extraits :

- "Les Français ont un problème : ils croyaient avoir élu un super président, un hyper dirigeant capable de les sortir de la dépression et de la décadence, et voilà qu'ils ont écopé du'n président, comme ils ont en déjà connu beaucoup d'autres : à savoir malade, limité qu'il faut dorloter et protéger !

- "La maladie dont souffre le président Sarkozy n'a pas la gravité du cancer de la prostate de Mitterrand, mais elle touche un organie vital s'il en est : l'ego. Celui du président est d'évidence atteint d'une hypertrophie probablement incurable."

- "L'économie n'a pas enregistré la moindre amélioration depuis son arrivée."

- "Le voilà fasciné par son propre pouvoir de séduction, son goût exquis et sa désinvolture. Mais ce triomphe là à le don de déprimer beaucoup de Français car il rabaisse la République au niveau de la Principauté de Monaco."

Sunday, February 24, 2008


I don't know why i feel so empty.
I had a great weekend, having fun with friends, eating good food and drinking really good wines. By the way, i tried a new one i highly recommend (Château Aigues Vives, Corbières 2002).
But now, i feel empty, emotionless.

I really feel like i miss someone, something.
I feel sad and quiet as if i had been rejected into nothingness.
Is it because these two days were filled with so much laughs and happiness?
Usually, after such a storm of enjoyment, i appreciate the absence of the others, silence and tranquillity.
Tonight, i want not being quiet. I don't want to be left alone.
I want to be disturbed!!

Tonight, i really feel uncomfortable.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Anne & Davy

Despite all the mistakes you did, despite all our differences, i bless the day we met.
I hate a lot of things about you but i love so many others. I know you'll always be there for me.
I want to thank you for you taught me the meaning of friendship.

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Mitt Romney criticizes France.

The former candidate to the US presidential election declared that democrats, especially Hillary Clinton, would transform the USA into a leftist country like France where welfare and interventionism reign. He added that if America doesn't change, it will become as France of the XXIth century: another big nation but not the leader of the world.

What to say about a man whose "religion", morality and ideas are more than doubtful?
What to say about a man whose "religion" refuses gender equality? A man who's homophobic.

He lives in one of the most protectionist country in the world wich cheats on the international rules.
He lives in a country that increases social and economic disparities, makes the wealthiest prevail and crushes the poorest.
USA keep dreaming on remaining the leader of the world. This time is already over.
Make place to China...and soon to India.
This kind of man must take a closer look at the world around and deflate his american ego.

Last movie watched: "Lust - Caution".


How to cook Kai Lan.

Apparently, some's the recipe.

1) - Remove the thicker skin from the bottom of the older, thicker stems and rinse clean. For the baby kai lan, rinse and drain.

2) - Heat oil in a wok, a pan...and stir-fry the garlic until fragrant. Add oyster sauce (up to you), water (just a bit) and kai lan. Fry until the vegetables change color. They must remain crunchy.

That's it. Bon appétit!!!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Family violence.

"Family violence is all around us. You can help stopt it. We can help you to find the right things to say and when to say them."




Friday, February 01, 2008

Je rêve que je dors.

Je voudrais te parler encore, mais voilà que tu t'endors. Tu sais...tu parles en dormant.
Pas avec moi.
Parfois même tu ris, ou tu chantes.
Alors moi, j'attends dans les phrases les mots absents, l'illumination terrible d'un son, d'une merveille.
Et je dis encore je t'aime pour laisser mon souffle traîner dans tes cheveux.
Tu souris en rêve.
Tu dors.

Peut-être qu'il ne faut pas trop souvent dire je t'aime.
C'est comme vouloir s'assurer du cœur et des baisers.
Douter de soi-même.
Pourtant je continue. Je te le dis encore: je t'aime.
Je veux encore parler. Mais voilà que tu t'endors.
Alors, je rêve que je dors.

Merci Philippe Léotard.