Friday, June 08, 2007

Out of the world.

Gone for a few weeks. I'll try to blog...not sure, though.
SMS me if you need me.
See you soon.

Monday, June 04, 2007

So proud.

Maël: "Tata Juju? Would you still have time to see me if you were president of the french republic?"
Maël: "Maybe during weekends?"

Tata Juju: "Of course i'd have time for you. Our relationship is more important. It's for ever: until death and beyond."

My dear Maël,
we first met the day after you were born. From this day i've known there was something special between us.
You keep surprising me each time we meet.
I am and will be there for you whenever you need me.

...and i'm very proud you're considering i could be president of the republic. :)

Saturday, June 02, 2007

AIDES: my sweet lollipop.

Upside down, doggy style, 24 hours a day...whatever you're into, protect yourself.

This is the third video from Aides, the French Aids/HIV information organisation. This one is for 2007.
Here are a Gay themed one (for 2006) and the first one (released in 2005)