Thursday, March 29, 2007


Since i started blogging, i got used to reading other blogs. i read a lot of different kind of blogs: about politics, about any interests people want to share with the blogging community.
Writers are of any age: some are in their 20's, some are parents with kids, less are above 70 yo. They all have one thing in common: when they talk about love, they mostly sound depressed or desperate.
That sounds strange to me. What's the point?
I know how hard it is when something goes wrong, or when you wonder about your relationship.
I know that some situations raise a lot of questions. I lived some of those situations. I ask myself a lot of questions that make me feel very insecure.

The point is that i don't understand why you people, whose blogs i read, are so definitive about your experience, about your own story and future.
Most of you say, when your relationship is in balance, that you will stop believing in love if your story comes to an end. You will stop looking for the one.
I guess the oldest think they're too old to meet anyone new who would suit them well. I guess the youngest are too young to realize that they still have their whole life to meet someone to stay with forever.
Please do change your mind.
"The time for love is anytime". To each his own recipe for love.
I know how hurtful it is to end this. However, it never means that love is dead for you. You cannot say or think that the person you are with is the one. You never know. You cannot say or think that the one you are with might not be the one. You never know. You cannot say or think you will never have a second or third or fourth chance. You never know.
Love's so complicated and mysterious that i gave up trying to control or even understand how it works.
Nevertheless, i believe in love i lived with those persons i loved. When it came to an end, after a sad period, i tried to be more positive and think about what's next for me. I think we can have a single or several true love stories. We're all different.
I don't consider an end as The end. I can't accept people say they would give up if they loose their cherished one.
You never know what will happen to you.
You never know who's the one, your one. You'll get the answer the day you die. This day you'll think back about it and you will be able to say who was the one.
It might be the one you spent your entire life with.
It might be no one.
It might be the last person you were in love with.
It might be one special person among those you really loved during your life.
Don't be so definitive about love. You never know.

"Allons enfants de la patrie..."

La Marseillaise n'est ni de droite ni de gauche. Elle appartient à chacun d'entre nous. L'article 2 de la Constitution dit: "l'emblème national est le drapeau tricolore, bleu, blanc, rouge. L'hymne national est la Marseillaise." Alors? Où est le problème? Pourquoi déclencher sur Ségolène toutes les foudres de la terre?
Etre de gauche ne signifie pas qu'il faut renoncer à être fier de son pays et mettre en avant sa fierté.
Qu'elle fasse retentir la Marseillaise lors de ses meetings, qu'elle affiche haut les couleurs de notre pays. Il n'y a aucune raison de réserver cela au Front National ou à Sarkozy.
En revanche, n'hésitons pas à tancer ses débordements populistes; ainsi que ceux de Sarkozy. Il faut condamner cette course à la promesse, ce grand n'importe quoi. A chaque jour nouveau correspond un thème nouveau...qui entraîne de nouvelles promesses. Cette campagne semble plus marquée par la démagogie que ne l'a jamais été aucune campagne présidentielle.
Et c'est bien cela qu'il convient de condamner.


Monday, March 26, 2007

The Hunk against the Queen!

I went to watch "300" with my brother today.
As you may know, it's based on the graphic novel "300" by Franck Miller, itself inspired by true history. It gives us a fantastic vision of the famous battle of Thermopylae that took place in 480 BC. Xerxes, in order to get revenge for his defeated father, Darius I, at the battle of Marathon, came back to Greece with a huge army.

What can i say about this movie?
Graphics and special effects are great. It's very esthetic and sensual.
Screenplay and dialogues are really poor, actors aren't any better. It's very slow and becomes quite boring sometimes.
Just have fun and enjoy yourself watching the battle between the hunk and the queen. So many things in this movie sound so gay. Three hundred hunks are moving in tiny swimwear (they fought naked in 480 BC) and facing the emperor who shows us thousands of piercings on his body.
Nothing's forgotten, not even the manly affection between the spartans or a very sexy and sensual meeting between Leonidas and Xerxes.
I can't forget to say that he, the Queen, keeps asking everyone to kneel down before him. I wonder why...?
Finally, i had a pretty good time.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Au suivant!

© Delize


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

4 ans de guerre en Irak: joyeux anniversaire!

© Chappatte, publié dans le journal Le Temps


Monday, March 19, 2007

I've got a new job!

Of course, not! That's a joke.
However, personnal home-nurse really is my new occupation.
Mum broke her left hip on the 5th and we decided that i would care about her until the surgery and even after, until full recovery.
I must confess that, among all this stress, we have a lot of fun together. Nevertheless, i don't want to talk about that.
I want to tell my thoughts about the way some persons react; about what they say or think, considering our situation.
Many of the men and women mum knows ask me how she feels, if she's as alright as possible. Most of them are surprised we didn't call any (real) nurse for help.

[Before writting more, i must tell you that mum only got her surgery on the 15th: 10 days after she broke her bone. During those ten days she wasn't allowed to move a single toe. I had to do everything for her.]

As nice as those persons are, they seem to be surprised that we're so close and that i do all i'm able to for mum. Some of them think i'm wonderful, some others think that what i'm doing is exceptional, uncommon.
Those persons lost their mind.
It's so sad that they think i'm a good son. Of course i try to be good. But it shouldn't be considered that exceptional.
It's a pity that my behaviour is considered as uncommon. On the contrary, it should be considered as a very common and normal behaviour.
Shouldn't everyone of us, as far as he's able to, care about his siblings and make efforts for them?
I know how easier it is to send your grand-parents in an old people's home. How easy it is to go and visit them once in a while.
Family, in an extensive meaning, doesn't exist anymore. Nowadays, we care less and less about our siblings. And that is normal??
I couldn't imagine not to care about my mother, my grand-mother or my brother whenever they would need my help.

Before he died, my grand-father spent four months at the hospital: i spent everyday with him, during those months (apart from ten days. I had no other choice but not being with him). It was a matter of trust and fidelity towards him. I couldn't imagine doing any differently.
My behaviour is no exceptional. I'm no uncommon, i'm just normal. Sadly it seems to me like people think different.
When you love someone, you might suffer for him/her.
Mum needs me et and i'll be there for her as long as she needs me; as far as i'm able to help her efficiently. Dealing with mum and my own schedule is none but my business. Finally, it's no big deal. It only takes a part of my time.

I don't write all this to flatter myself. I don't even want to try to lecture anyone. I only regret some others' kind of selfishness.

Mum's at the hospital at the moment. She'll be back home soon.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

We're not that different. Stop the clash of civilizations!

The Stop the Clash campaign challenges the growing belief that fundamental divides between the "West" and "Islam" make conflict inevitable.
According to Avaaz, there is nothing inevitable about this false "clash" and it's up to us to stand up for the truth. Here are some facts and figures Avaaz publish on their website:
81% of Europeans and 87% of Americans want Middle East peace. (Eurobarometer, Gallup) 65% of Egyptians and 74% of Jordanians want democracy. (The Great Divide: How Westerns and Muslims View Each Other; Pew Research Centre) 62% of Palestinians and 67% of Israelis want real Middle East peace talks, although each side remains deeply skeptical of the other's sincerity and commitment to genuine negotiations.
As people's fears are stirred up, there are some signs of people moving further apart. The Pew Research Centre carried out research into attitudes between Muslims, Westerners and Muslims living in Western countries. They found some opinions that were cause for concern. For example, in Nigeria, 73% of non-Muslims now see Muslims as violent, with 67% in India and 60% in Spain sharing that point of view. In the US, the number is 45%.

"Stop the clash" at is a new online network that provides opportunities for citizens of every country to take concerted action on urgent global problems like climate change, poverty, and the crisis in the Middle East.’s mission is to ensure that the views and values of the world’s people shape global decisions.


Exceeding the limit.

What can we do with 90€?

- buying a return trip to Paris by TGV.
- drinking a very good wine, or a great whisky.
- buying ten tickets to go to the cinema with your friends.
- having a nice dinner in a restaurant with someone you care about.
- buying a shirt, some books, some cigars, music...
- paying your fine for exceeding the speed limit.

I chose the last option. Stupid me!!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

"...little bit of love..."

I was rushing, doing my a bad mood.
Mika was shouting in my earphones, and i saw her: blond, beautiful and smiling at me.
Happiness is so simple sometimes.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Buy less crap!

Make your own choice: donating directly to charities or buying junk from corporations who only donate a small portion of their product's profits. That's the idea behind this new initiative: Buy (less) crap, a collaboration between Romantic Static and Words Pictures Ideas.

Please visit Buy (less) crap.


Thursday, March 08, 2007

No regret.

Love's complicated.
Love hurts.
Love may not be enough.
Love may encounter obstacles.
Love disturbs some.
Love's worth to be fought for, you have to find your way.

"No regret". A film by Leesong Hee-il

International Women's Day.

Today is the international women's day.

Stop thinking it's only a matter of a single day in a year.
A friend of mine used to say: "International women's day? International dogs' day also exists!"

Let's say every 8th of march is a reminder though we shouldn't need it.


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Would you mind? No, I wouldn't.

Baby would you mind touching me
Ever so slowly
You're making me quiver
Baby would you mind undressing me
Making me feel sexy
While in the moment

Cause I'm gonna
Bathe you, play with you, rub you, caress you
Tell you how much I've missed you
I just wanna
Touch you, tease you, lick you, please you
Love you, hold you, make love to you
And I'm gonna
Kiss you, suck you, taste you, ride you
Feel you deep inside me ohh
I'm gonna
Kiss you, suck you, taste you, ride you,
Feel you, make you come too

Baby would you mind kissing me
All over my body
You missed a spot - there
Baby would you mind tasting me
It's making me all juicy
Feeling your lips on mine


Baby would you mind coming inside of me
Letting your juices free
Deep in my passion


by Janet Jackson

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Total eclipse of the...Moon.

As i was coming back home yesterday night, i tried to take some pictures of the total eclipse of the moon.
You could see it from wherever you were in Nantes.
Sadly, the battery of my camera died. I only had the chance to take two pictures. Here's one, in black and white. I wanted to take another one in colour; the battery decided i couldn't. :(

Better than God himself?

Stephanie and I played billiards yesterday night. I'm neither bad nor good at it. I just like it a lot.
Yesterday night, though, i can say i played better than God himself :)
Too much show off? Yes, of course!
But still, there was nothing she could do to defeat me.
During the first match we had, i even put all my balls, including the black one, in the holes before she could put one.
She was so desperate we couldn't stop laughing.
No matter what i tried, i was able to do anything successfully.
I'm so sorry Stephanie, but i felt like i was in heaven. I love you so much. You look beautiful when you play.
I know you had a so hard time because of me.
Shall we play again next week?

I posted this picture, as well. I like it.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

How true!!

"Opera is a sublime excuse to unite souls."
"l'Opéra est une sublime excuse pour réunir les âmes."

by Rolando Villazón, lyric tenor.

"It ain't over 'til it's over."

I went to watch "Rocky Balboa" a few weeks ago. I can't deny i had a big surprise.
I've never watched the previous ones: i heard the first is good, though. I was too young i guess.
The critics led me to the movie theater and, for once, i was right to read them.

Stallone did a great job. It has nothing to do with the other movies of the cycle.
This film delivers a big time. It really surprised me.
The screenplay is good, the picture is good, the editing is good...
It's not the best movie ever, of course. You have to let it enter in you. It's definitely a good one, though.
I want to keep two scenes in mind: Rocky's discussion with his son..."You gotta keep moving forward..." and the final fight, of course.
I went through every emotion imaginable while watching it. We only were three persons watching it. It's a pity there was no crowd alive and cheering and clapping while Rocky starts training to the Rocky theme. It would have added one more dimension to the movie.

Stallone does end the Rocky story the best way he could.
This is definitely his best acting ever (with Copland). He should retire now, as an actor :)