Friday, April 27, 2007

Love again blues.

" My life ain't nothin'
But a lot o'Gawd-knows-what.
I say my life ain't nothin'
But a lot of Gawd-knows-what.
Just one thing after 'nother
Added to de trouble that i got.

When I got you I
Thought I had an angel-chile.
When I got you
Thought I had an angel-chile.
You turned out to be a devil
That mighty nigh drove me wild!

Tell me, tell me,
What makes love such an ache and pain?
Tell me what makes
Love such an ache and pain?
It takes you and it breaks you
But you got to love again."

By Langston Hughes.


Sarkozy et la santé.

"La santé pour Nicolas Sarkozy c'est: l'instauration d'une franchise illimitée sur les soins; le déremboursement de médicaments; la remise en cause de la prise en charge à 100% des séropositifs(ves); la dérégulation du système hospitalier public; l'expulsion de malades étrangers dans des pays où ils/elles mourront faute de traitements; l'absence d'engagement pour le financement par la France de la lutte contre le sida dans le monde. Nicolas Sarkozy et l'UMP nous promettent une politique de santé plus inégalitaire et discriminatoire."

Campagne menée par Act-Up Paris


Débat Bayrou-Royal: Sarkozy et les médias.

© Delize


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A shameful wheelchair.

Though mum isn't allowed to work because of her broken hip, she keeps having several professional appointments and activities. That's the reason why i have to do my best to bring her anywhere she wants to go. Going from home to anywhere in town means that we must take the wheelchair with us: she still isn't allowed to walk on her feet.

This temporary experience has helped us to notice a few things about handicap.
Most of the infrastructures in Nantes aren't adapted to handicapped persons. The height of pavements isn't adapted to wheelchairs, neither the width of doors. Sometimes we face stairs because there is no lift to take us to higher floors.
I know it requires a lot of money and time to make a change in this city. Still, handicap isn't a new problem.

But the most great disappointment is...people. Many of those we saw during our "trips" in town looked at us curiously.
Being handicaped, being in a wheelchair seems to be a curiousity. Some of them didn't even move to let us go on our way.
They make us feel like we should be ashamed of being in such a situation, or even feel guilty.
Actually, i can't say i really was surprised. But being confronted to the real situation makes me feel different. It touches me more. There is so much to do to change people's mind.

On a brighter side, i noticed a kind of solidarity between persons in when a motorcyclist meets another one: you say hello, you smile back...
Anyway, that's a good experience.

Monday, April 23, 2007

2ème tour: une question d'oubli.

© Delize


Sunday, April 22, 2007


On Sunday 1st April artist and activist Will St. Leger placed 100 fake 'landmines' made from stenciled metal plates in park around Dublin, Ireland.
Will St. Leger: "The reason for doing this was to get people asking themselves "what if the world I walked in was littered with landmines?"
By planting the fake landmines Will wants to highlight the lethal threat they pose to millions of people in 80 countries every day. " The only time that people really think about things is if they encounter them in their daily lives."
A sticker on the back of the devices provides information on landmines.
"They're nearly all gone now, the Police took away most of them when a tourist called the emergency number to report 'Landmines'. Afterwards, I wondered who the people of Laos, Cambodia and Iraq gonna call when they step on real landmine?"

Will St. Leger website

In a similar campaign, made by Rapp Collins Singapore for Clear Path International, frisbees that look like landmines had been distributed all over the city of Singapore by volunteers.
When someone picked one up a frisbee, a message at the bottom told that picking up a landmine is as easy as picking up a frisbee but with devastating results.


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

My family, my friends, my lovers and I: My Ten Commandments.

God speaks to you:

- Our relationship is based on trust and fairness.

- I'm there when you need me; especially when you're in pain.

- I love you as much as you love me...maybe more.

- I show you that i love you: show me that you love me too. I need it: I never take anything for granted.

- I mock you sometimes: that's a way to let you know that you're important to me.

- I don't tell you all my secrets (i want to keep some mystery). Tell me yours (one or two, at least).

- I tell you when something's wrong. Do the same.

- Scold me when i need it, because i'll do it if you need it.

- When you have something to tell me: go straight to the point. Don't hesitate.

- Be honest: it's the base of our relationship


Monday, April 16, 2007

Such an expected book.

I finally found and got this book. The one i've been looking for a so long time.
The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes.

I accidentally discovered Hughes poetry and fell under it's charm.
It's no classical poetry...that's, maybe, the reason why i like it.
I will post some poems, from time to time.
Enjoy and feel the jazz!


Who cares
About the hurt in your heart?

Make a song like this
for a jazz band to play:

nobody cares.
nobody cares.

Make a song like that
From your lips.

Nobody cares.


A presidential election.

This is a short note for you, my friends that are overseas.
You might not know that this sunday, and on the 6th of may, as well, the french presidential election will take place.
Jacques Chirac is out.
Twelve contestants are in the run. Please, let me introduce the main candidates to you.

The extremist: Jean-Marie Le Pen

The neo-cons and very populist: Nicolas Sarkozy

The one in the middle, who's trying to gather open-minds of both the left and right sides: François Bayrou

The socialist and also very populist: Ségolène Royal

We had no real debates in this campaign. These candidates refused every opportunities to discuss their electoral program and confront their propositions.
I made my choice, though. That wasn't easy at all, honestly.
Now let's vote and see who's the winner...or the loser(s) (the french people).


Friday, April 13, 2007

A friend.

"A friend is a powerful support: the one who found him found a treasure"
Holy Bible Sir 6,14.


Thursday, April 12, 2007

A baptism and a fiancée.

Last weekend was Romeo's. We celebrated his baptism on the 7th and his birthday on the 8th: he's one year old.
I had a really good time gathering with my dear friends and babies.
We had a big buffet and a big late dinner on saturday. I can proudly say i cooked part of it. I noticed %$%§##% didn't taste anything i cooked myself. She really is stupid :)
On sunday morning i couldn't miss watching the F1 Grand-Prix in Malaysia. Mael and Isis joined me. Mael's so funny. He keeps supporting France in every sports. However, he's nice enough to support my team as well.
After the GP, time had come for the kids to seek the easter eggs in the garden. They were very excited about the "hunting".
They searched every part of the garden.
Spring's here now. The weather was warm enough to let us have lunch in the garden.
Then, I had several sessions of soccer with Mael. It's a pity he loves soccer so much. He knows i hate this sport, but i can resist him when he tells me i'm one of his two favorites partners. The other one is his father. I feel very proud, really honoured.

This weekend was particular for another reason: i met my fiancée.
Her name's Yasmine.
Actually, this is a long story.
Anne, had a dream about Yasmine and I. She dreamt we were together...a couple.
She sent us an email telling us all about her dream. She wanted us to commit and become a couple.
That was a few years ago...and nothing had happened.
We finally met last weekend.
Yasmine is a very pretty and funny girl. We chat together.
She has a real good sense of humour, she's open-minded...and nothing happened, of course. Nothing ever happens in such a situation.
I just wanted to tell this story because Anne cares so much about this part of my life. She wants me to find someone. She loves marrying people.
She failed, anyway.
In case, i attached a picture of Yasmine that i took this weekend...she was riding David :)
Plus another one i especially like.

About friendship

The Mental Health Foundation is raising awareness about the importance of friendship and its positive impact on mental health. Friendships are vital for good mental health.
Friendship is vital in any case. Make it grow up.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

De la génétique...

Le candidat de l'UMP assure "incliner (...) à penser qu'on naît pédophile, et c'est d'ailleurs un problème que nous ne sachions pas gérer cette pathologie".
"Il y a 1.200 ou 1.300 jeunes qui se suicident en France chaque année, ce n'est pas parce que leurs parents s'en sont mal occupés! Mais parce que, génétiquement, ils avaient une fragilité", poursuit par ailleurs M. Sarkozy.



Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Sondages: les français sont-ils idiots ou les sondages peu fiables?

Les Français sont 45% à juger que l'insécurité en France s'est aggravée au cours des cinq dernières années et 40% à trouver la situation inchangée, selon un sondage Ifop pour "Le journal du dimanche".
Seulement 15% des personnes interrogées estiment que "la situation en matière d'insécurité" s'est "plutôt améliorée" en France depuis 2002.

Dans le même temps, lorsqu'on leur demande à quel candidat à l'Elysée elles font "le plus confiance pour garantir la sécurité des personnes et des biens", les personnes interrogées répondent à 43% Nicolas Sarkozy. A ce classement, l'ex-ministre de l'Intérieur devance de loin Ségolène Royal (15%), François Bayrou (14%) et Jean-Marie Le Pen (8%).

Alors? Sommes-nous débiles ou bien les sondages racontent-ils n'importe quoi? Il convient de réfléchir avant de lier Sarkozy à une quelconque garantie contre l'insécurité surtout de voter.


Monday, April 02, 2007


Finally, i'm now allowed to practice sports again. It's been so long to wait for this day.
But the doctor told me not to do too much, at first...That's why i decided to go for a golf course today.

Usually i prefer playing alone. Today was different: i was offered to play with someone. My "partner" proposed me a "skin game". A skin game involves money. You can win money at every hole for wich you get a better score than your opponent. In case of equality, money's put back on the next hole.
I wasn't really sure about playing for money; it had been so long since i hadn't played. He told me 5€ a hole. I said alright, it might spice the game up.
To be honest, i wasn't confident at all. I was so right: i lost the first four holes. Being ridiculous was out of question. I tried to focus more, to be more relax: i won the next two holes. On hole number seven my opponent missed the "unmissable". He was so close but he pushed so hard on the ball that it went out of the hole. He became so nervous that i felt more easy.
I did some good shots, some less. I finally won by ten to eight (10€, not too bad).

My game level wasn't very good, but i felt very happy. At least i was free to practice sport again. Being able to do any movement i want was the most important for me. I'm alive!