Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Friendship at first sight...Be warned Ju!!

I recently wrote here about those emails/mails i don't want to receive anymore, and those i'd rather receive, instead.
I recently got a mail.
Apparently, one of you read this post.
This mail was a big surprise for me.
I had never read such an amount of hatred, bullshits and false things on a letter.
All about me, of course.

I'll keep two things in mind.
The first is that i should always remember what i promised myself. In this situation, when it comes to what i call "friendship at first sight", i should remember not to be too enthusiastic before knowing the person enough.
I let my feelings be stronger than my reason. That's definitely not the right thing to do.
I need to know the person more, i need a chance to know his/her bad side, as well...and make a balance between good and bad sides.
In this case, of course, i didn't do the right thing.
Hence, it hurts.

The second thing is that i was about to ask this person to join me for a weekend in Italy.
Thank God! That might have been a terrible weekend.

In the end, i'm glad i got this letter.
Even if you said false things about me, i'm glad you did it.
First, i know your bad side now. It's very dark.
Second, you've been straight forward. This is exactly what i want from you all...even if it may hurt.
Thanks for sending me this mail.


Travailler plus? pour gagner plus.

© Delize


Saturday, October 27, 2007

Compensate for the pollution of which you are responsible.

If you travel a lot. If you often fly overseas or even in your own country, you're responsible for a part of the carbon dioxide created by the engines of the aircraft.
You know that, already.

Now, you can compensate for this pollution.
This is a great initiative by Air France & Goodplanet.
Click HERE: you'll find a CO2 calculator. You can simulate any flight on any destination operated by Air France to calculate your pollution.
If you want, you can decide to compensate this pollution by giving money.
It's both in french and english.


Saturday, October 20, 2007

Don't write to me.

Don't write to me. I don't want to read pointless words.
Don't send me such mails or emails. It would be useless.
A quickly written-and-posted letter, a quickly written-and-sent email, saying "i'm so busy that i don't have much time to write. Weather's nice. Take care..."
I don't want this anymore.

I'd feel like you don't like me anymore.

Of course, we're all busy. Sending such a mail/email once in a while is alright. But it makes me sick to receive that all the time.
I don't care if you're busy. I don't care if the weather's nice.
I want to know your inner thoughts. I want to hear about your life. I want to know what you think about this or that. I want to know what makes you sad or happy.
In love or friendship...that's what i want.

Be told. Write something interesting to me...or don't write.


Current CD: Herbie Hancock "POSSIBILITIES"


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Concert: Ilene BARNES

I attended Ilene Barnes concert yesterday night. Last time was on march 2005.
If you believe me. If you trust me. If you'd have to trust me only once in your life, please trust me on this.
This concert was like one of those special moments that seldom happen in your life.
She's a singer, a composer, a writer. But she's more than this.
When she's on stage, she's no more singer. She reaches a so high level she becomes the music. Her voice is amazing: strong or tenuous, soft or furious.
Sometimes she's in transe and you're mesmerized, thrilled. She's made for live performances.
She sang during short.
Listen to her songs. Ask me if you need: i have all her cds.


Friday, October 12, 2007

Current CD: Radiohead "IN RAINBOWS"


Thursday, October 11, 2007

Concert: Candye Kane

I attended Candye Kane concert on tuesday. Blues music.
I had a really good time.
She has a fantastic voice, she really is entertaining, she even spoke french (nice effort) and she signed cds at the end of the show.
Two hours of fantastic music.

Two bad points, though:
- even if it was made on a funny mode she kept telling us we should buy her new cd "so she'd get money to heal her grandmother".
- she didn't play the organ with her HUGE boobs as i expected her to do. Hey! She's forty now :)

Régine bought the cd...and got the dedication :))

P.S: merci pour les photos, Régine :)


Saturday, October 06, 2007

Last movie watched: "2 days in Paris".

I'll keep two thoughts in my mind, after watching this movie:

- I feel so good and proud to be french.
- In love as in friendship, let the others know who you really are. If not, it doesn't work.


Tuesday, October 02, 2007

About life and death.

When i was younger, i thought i wanted to live the longest time i could and become very old. It was, probably, the way i feared death.

Today, now that i grew older, that i've been confronted with death, i think differently.

I don't want to become as old as possible, anymore. I try to live the best life i can, with the time that i have left.
Why growing old if i'm not able to be what i've always been anymore, if I become dependant on the others?
I don't think being old, disabled or so sick that there's no more hope is a life i would enjoy.
Life is the most precious thing we have. It must be cherished.
Sometimes, though, you realize that life hangs by a thread. Though you wished to enjoy life more and more, you cannot because the end is coming sooner.
What to do, then? Waiting for death to come and maybe suffer? Or taking action? I'd take action, i think.
Being able to choose your own death may be a luxury, a liberty.
A great pain, as well. It may require help.
Making this choice is deciding when, or at least how to die because you're disabled, because you can't live the way you want.
Living to the fullest, living is the most important. Let's try to do it when it's time.

Then, later...we shall see.


Monday, October 01, 2007


© by Chappatte
