Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A so complicated travel

Now i want to complain.

I have no good reason, though: i'm happy in my life, i'm travelling, i have loving friends, a wonderful (small) family...
Anyway, i want to complain because an asian airline company declined my credit card (i have money on my bank account!!).
I want to complain because it took a week to this company to solve my problem...a problem wich might occur again: only this company flies to where i want to go (it happened twice, already).
Because of this, i had to postpone some parts of my trip. Delays make you pay more.
We should never get stressed when we're planning a trip.
Asian airline company: i hate you!!

You see! I have no good reason to complain.

A french dish.

Hmmm, nothing much to write these days...apart from complaining.
That's why i decided to talk about what i ate. I'm sure you will like it.
In France we're used to say that "any part of the pig is good to be eaten".
Any part of the pig, including ears, nose, tail or feet.
I ate a delicious pig tongue with mushrooms, gherkins and piquant sauce. I even put some pasta in the sauce: i really was hungry.
Maybe next time i'll eat kidneys :)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

What sports car should i drive?

You Should Drive a Lamborghini

A true daredevil, you're always in search of a new rush. Clearly, you're a total speed demon... just don't get caught!

Sigh! I prefer Ferrari.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

A singular little girl.

Mael's sister, Isis, is a very pretty and cute 4 years old girl. She has a very strong will, she's a warrior: a man inside of a baby girl body. A boy and a very girlie-girl at the same time.
She always surprises her parents, me and all those who meet her.
All the family spent the last weekend with us.

Isis just did it again.

Her dad and brother came with us to visit a destroyer (one french army's ship). On the way back home, as we were walking along the quay, three persons overtook us, riding bicycles. Isis saw them and coldly said: "they're assholes! they don't even ride bicycles with extra wheels on the sides". Another one overtook us: "this one's an asshole, as well!".
Her father and I burst into laugh.
Tell me what to expect from a little girl who, when she was 2 years old, said to the dazzling sun with a threatening voice: "get away, sun! get away!"

Please don't change, Isis. I love you just the way you are.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

One second.

Today, granny fell down the staircase that leads to our appartment.
During a second, a very long one, i saw her lying on the floor: not moving, not saying anything, not even complaining...and i thought she was dead. I thought it was over and i felt very guilty.
Guilty, because i should have been behind her to prevent her from falling down, because i felt like i hadn't told her enough that i loved her so much, because i felt like i hadn't took enough care of her, because it wasn't the way i wanted to let her go.

I know it sounds old-fashioned to say that we should tell those we love that we do love them so much, but today i experienced this situation and i can tell it's not that old-fashioned.
Granny's alright tonight, and i cross my fingers so she will be fine as long as possible.
I love you granny and i still need you a lot.


Sunday, May 13, 2007

One thousand roads towards friendship.

One of the books i'm reading deals with friendship. The title is "One thousand roads towards friendship".
This book is a compilation of quotations. Some are obvious, some are important, some are useless.
I haven't finished it yet: a few pages remain.
Among all those quotations, one caught my eye today. I think it's interesting and true.

"Are you single? Not completely, since you have a friend. Friendship is the marriage between two spirits, two hearts and two souls."

Sometimes it's not obvious, but some situations may help to reveal this side of a friendship.
The day you realize this, you get a great satisfaction and make this friendship grow up to a higher level.
There are thousands roads towards friendship: to each his own; we're all different.

P.S (may, the 14th): i've been told today that i theorize and intellectualize too much. i'd better let it go.
Maybe they're right. Maybe i should take it easy. However, i really don't feel like i intellectualize.


Pour une surprise...!

Nul besoin d'une analyse, tout est là.

PARIS (AP) - Après un week-end consacré aux consultations pour la formation de son gouvernement, Nicolas Sarkozy réunit lundi après-midi le conseil national de l'UMP dans un grand hôtel parisien pour organiser sa succession à la tête du parti après son élection à l'Elysée.

Le président élu, désormais "homme de la Nation", quittera la présidence de l'UMP, qu'il occupe depuis le 28 novembre 2004.

Selon les statuts de l'UMP, le président, le vice-président et le secrétaire général sont élus ensemble par les adhérents pour trois ans. Le sénateur-maire de Marseille, Jean-Claude Gaudin, avait déjà assuré l'intérim en 2004 après la démission d'Alain Juppé à la suite de ses ennuis judiciaires.

Nicolas Sarkozy n'est cependant pas homme à abandonner le parti qu'il a enlevé aux chiraquiens en 2004, profondément transformé et qui l'a porté à l'Elysée.

Selon plusieurs responsables de l'UMP, il devrait donc proposer lundi une réflexion sur une réforme des statuts, qui serait entérinée au prochain congrès. Le parti ne serait plus dirigé par un président, mais par un secrétaire général à la tête d'un collectif de plusieurs responsables. "Je pense qu'il y aura une gouvernance collective", a expliqué dimanche sur France-Inter Jean-Pierre Raffarin, qui s'est entretenu samedi avec M. Sarkozy. L'ancien Premier ministre devrait y participer.

Cette organisation qui rappelle celle des partis gaullistes d'antan aurait un avantage pour M. Sarkozy: éviter que son successeur à la présidence de l'UMP ne devienne un rival en puissance.

© AP


Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Cluster bombs: Sarkozy's opinion / BASM: la position de Sarkozy.

Repeatedly questioned by Handicap International, the new french President did not answer questions on cluster bombs asking him to confirm and to clarify his statement of December, 2007: " I would only see advantages our country joining an international process to banish the use of these explosive devices... "

Nicolas Sarkozy remains thus on a vague position and without engagement. At first, he had pushed aside any ban, according to the position of the current ministry of the Defence.

Interrogé à plusieurs reprises par Handicap International, le candidat UMP n'a pas répondu à un questionnaire sur les bombes à sous-munitions (BASM) lui demandant de confirmer et de préciser sa déclaration de décembre 2007 : "Je ne verrais que des avantages à ce que notre pays se joigne à un processus international visant à bannir l'emploi de ces engins explosifs..."

Nicolas Sarkozy reste ainsi sur une position imprécise et sans engagement. Il avait dans un premier temps écarté toute interdiction, conformément à la position du ministère de la Défense actuel.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Computers suck.

Un nouveau President!

© Chappatte "Le Temps"

© Delize


Saturday, May 05, 2007

A new man was born.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

D day.

Today's the day.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Un peu de verdure

L'association Les Amis de la Terre, section Pays-Bas, a illégalement planté des arbres sur des places bétonnées d'une grande ville hollandaise (je n'ai pas pu trouver le nom de la dite cité) pour interpeller les passants sur la nécessité de développer les espaces verts dans les villes.
A mon avis, ils devraient penser à faire la même chose ici à Nantes sur la Place Royale qui vient d'être rénovée. Les quelques pots de fleurs qui la ceinturent semblent bien insuffisants.