Songs and dances of death 1/4: Lullaby.
Dimly flickers all around.
All night, rocking the craddle,
A mother has stayed awake.
Very very early in the morning, cautiously,
Death, soft-hearted one, knocks at the door!
The mother shuddered and looked around anxiously...
"Come, there's no need to be frightened, my friend!
Pale morning is already peering through the window.
Crying, grieving and loving
You have exhausted yourself. Go on, have a nap,
Ill look after things here for a while.
You haven't been able to calm your baby:
I'll sing more sweetly than you."
Hush! My child tosses and turns, and struggles,
And torments my soul!
"Ah, but with me the infant will soon grow quiet.
Bayushki, bayu, bayu."
The little cheeks grow pale, breathing gets weaker...
Oh please shut up, i beg!
"It's a good sign: the suffering is dying down.
Bayushki, bayu, bayu."
Be gone, accursed one! With your kindness
You will destroy my joy.
"No, i'm lulling the child into a peaceful sleep;
Bayushki, bayu, bayu."
Have mercy, wait before singing, if only for a moment,
The rest of your terrible song!
"You see, the babe's fallen asleep to my quiet singing.
Bayushki, bayu, bayu."
Music by Modest MUSSORGSKY